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Hello, I am recently retired from the armed forces. Aged 41. I want to live permanently In Pattaya. I have had a long term girlfriend there ( 7 years). A marriage certificate is an option I have looked at with her. But I have read about having to prove money in a Thai bank. Most my money will be tied up in property in pattaya ( condo my name) is it possible that this can be used as dispensation to the 800000 baht mentioned. As after paying for the property I won't have this lump sum at my disposal all the time. Also my monthly income will be about £800 a month which will be supplemented by my girlfriend from her 2 businesses. I was wondering what initial visa I should get for traveling then what are my options after that.


Regards robbiestoker


I think, if married to a Thai, the money requirement is 400k not 800k, or the equivalent in income


Maybe look at an education visa as an option


Hello, I am recently retired from the armed forces. Aged 41. I want to live permanently In Pattaya......................................


Come in on a Tourist Visa IMO, triple entry if you can get it.

Better still a One year multi-entry 'O' visa........... if you can get one.


Dave01 covered the extension based on marriage, but is getting a Visa a good reason to get married?

If you do want to get married anyway, then that's probably your best option.

No, your assets don't count towards the required bank balance/earnings requirement and neither does your wife's income I believe.

That means that at 800 GBP per month you'll be living 'on the edge'.

Inflation, Exchange Rate and the possibility of the bank/income requirement being raised, may leg you down.


At 41 you'll probably struggle to live here permanently through to 50, the Ed' Visa currently being about your best option, but not cheap.

Other than that, one way or another, you'll probably be 'ducking and diving' at times.


Marriage is something we were looking at anyway after 7 years, also would the funds have to be in a Thai bank or can they be at your disposal in a British bank


Marriage is something we were looking at anyway after 7 years, also would the funds have to be in a Thai bank or can they be at your disposal in a British bank


AFAIK, for the purpose of a '12 month Extension of Stay (Marriage) or (Retirement)' the funds must be in a Thai bank and you have to produce a letter from that bank plus copies of your bank book for entries during the qualifying period.

For the first application, the balance must not have fallen below 400/800k for 2 months.

For subsequent applications it is 3 months.


The only option I know of which would allow you to leave your money in UK is that, subject to being legally married, you should be able to get a 12 month Multi-entry 'O' Visa from Hull. You can get 15 months out of them, but you have to exit every 90 days and renewal has to be from outside Thailand.


The Marriage Extension of Stay is more complicated that the Retirement one. If nobody posts the exact procedure I suggest that you read up on it or PM BM gogo dog.


Details here on how to get a marriage extension. If you are intending to go for the marriage extension, come in on a non-immigrant visa. It will save you the extra hassle of getting the non-immigrant visa in thailand.


.......................... If you are intending to go for the marriage extension, come in on a non-immigrant visa. It will save you the extra hassle of getting the non-immigrant visa in thailand.


Agree with that, but at 41yo will he be able to get one OK?


Agree with that, but at 41yo will he be able to get one OK?


Not sure but it's certainly worth trying for one.


Agree with that, but at 41yo will he be able to get one OK?

If he is already married to a Thai - yes


If he is already married to a Thai - yes


Yes I know, but we were talking about what Visa to come in on - he won't be married before that.


Yes I know, but we were talking about what Visa to come in on - he won't be married before that.

Sorry, mis-read it.

agree with your earlier post, triple entry tourist visa.


Hello, I am recently retired from the armed forces. Aged 41. I want to live permanently In Pattaya. I have had a long term girlfriend there ( 7 years). A marriage certificate is an option I have looked at with her. But I have read about having to prove money in a Thai bank. Most my money will be tied up in property in pattaya ( condo my name) is it possible that this can be used as dispensation to the 800000 baht mentioned. As after paying for the property I won't have this lump sum at my disposal all the time. Also my monthly income will be about £800 a month which will be supplemented by my girlfriend from her 2 businesses. I was wondering what initial visa I should get for traveling then what are my options after that.


Regards robbiestoker


To get somewhat off topic, 800 pounds per month seems rather low. I assume you served for 20 years.


It's also possible for someone under age 50 to obtain a one-year non-imm B (business) visa through various of the immigration oriented law firms in Thailand...usually under the premise of exploring business/investment opportunities in Thailand.


Different law firms handle that in different ways... some reputable, some not. It's one thing to explore business opportunities. It's a different thing to be set up as some officer in some kind of shell company. It usually involves the applicant getting an invitation from some Thai entity to come here, which is something required for the visa.


And of course, there's a fee to the sponsoring/arranging law firm, which would be paid each time they arrange the annual visa. But there's no income or bank statements required usually, unlike the other methods.


It's probably not something that could be used to span a 9 year period of time until the OP turns 50. But it is something that probably could be done for at least a couple years...as an alternative to rushing into marriage to qualify for a marriage based visa.


To get somewhat off topic, 800 pounds per month seems rather low. I assume you served for 20 years.


In all Honesty it will be tough to live here on this amount..Thailand is no longer Cheap and the OP is still young...Are you sure you want to try Retirement now and a Marriage? Often times a Wife can burn through this money in a few days...

No place on the Planet like Pattaya..Don't let your meat loaf


No, you can't use a condo as a ' collateral' for your 800 k.If you marry a thai girl 400 k will be enough for a visa.800 pounds will definitely NOT be enough to live in Pattaya, at least if the reason for living there is to enjoy what Pattaya has to offer.Expecting your income to be possibly  ' supplemented' by your girlfriend business is probably a typo, you probably meant: your girlfriend expects het monthly  business income to be steadily supplemented by yours.


All great advice thank you


Being 41, I think you have a big window ahead to keep making money.

In these uncertain times you need to guard against being left behind by inflation, currency devaluation, as you would hopefully, have a lot of years left on this planet.

That being so, you have to factor in that your spending power will be cut in half at least every ten years.

Statistically, Guys earnings' peak in their forties to fifties, so I wouldn't be in a rush to stop work yet.

Unless you can arrange to have a number of Thailand investments that return you adequate Thai Baht.

To hedge against your own currency.


Your Thai missus is going to give you money?? Please let us know if this ever happens as i have yet to be shocked in Pattaya..

LOS. Gotta Love It.


At the risk of being flamed on , I'm going to say he should be able to live on the 800 pounds . This is especially if his military pension has unlimited a cost of living increases . They key to what he said is that owns his own condo. That means he is not going to have rent eat up his monthly income . I have a couple of buddies that have retired there on about 1400 pounds a month and are doing fine . Their rent is not terribly expensive at all .They do the visa run thing and live in moderation . Don't get me wrong they did burn through money fast when they first got there , but that was money they brought to have fun until they got themselves settled . If he is sensible with the 800 pounds he should be fine .


My money's are index linked


At the risk of being flamed on , I'm going to say he should be able to live on the 800 pounds . This is especially if his military pension has unlimited a cost of living increases . They key to what he said is that owns his own condo. That means he is not going to have rent eat up his monthly income . I have a couple of 1400buddies that have retired there on about 1400 pounds a month and are doing fine . Their rent is not terribly expensive at all .They do the visa run thing and live in moderation . Don't get me wrong they did burn through money fast when they first got there , but that was money they brought to have fun until they got themselves settled . If he is sensible with the 800 pounds he should be fine .

£1400 a month is a lot different to £800 a month

To retire with income of only £800 a month at 41 good luck

In my op this is not enough money

What are you going to do every day?

I would get bored shitless after a couple of months

You would not have enough funds to do what you wanted to do on this amount of cash


Robbie -  with stoker in your name I assume your ex Royal Navy ?  If I'm not wrong the pension you receive now will stay the same (ie 800 a GBP pm) until you reach age 55 before it becomes index linked...!! - that is unless they have changed the RULES regarding armed forces pensions.. Am not trying to be smart just throwing in my two pence worth.. - Good luck with whatever you do mate..




Where is that English Pound symbol on your keyboard?

All I have is a $ sign.


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