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Bangkok Hitler chicken causing a flap


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The opening of a "Hitler" chicken restaurant in Bangkok is the latest of several examples of Thailand's seeming obsession with the German Nazi leader.

The restaurant's red sign looks similar to that of KFC, except that the fascist dictator's head appears where that of Colonel Sanders should be.

Images of the restaurant taken by shocked customers are making the rounds on Twitter, according to a report on Friday in the Daily Mail in London.

Andrew Spooner, a Bangkok-based journalist who spotted the restaurant, tweeted: "Very bizarre Hitler Fried Chicken shop in Thailand. I kid you not. Complete with pic of Hitler in bow tie."

"I went in for a bite last week and got some fried chicken, which was pretty good, and asked the guy behind the counter why it was called Hitler," the Daily Mail quoted Bangkok resident Alan Robertson, 43, as saying.

"He just shrugged his shoulders and said the owners had thought it was good image."

The use of Hitler's image in all kinds of ways - including in an infamous advertisement for potato chips in the 1990s - is commonplace in Thailand.

Social critics have said the Thai education system has failed to impress on people that Hitler was not some kind of cartoon figure from the distant past but a monster responsible for millions of deaths.

However, it's not unusual to see teenagers in T-shirts bearing comical images of the dictator. In another popular design seen locally, Hitler is transformed into Ronald McDonald.

Thailand was the focus of international outrage in September 2011 when a group of high school students paraded around on a sports day in home-made Nazi uniforms, complete with swastika armbands and toy guns.

The school claimed it had no idea what the students had been planning and it quickly apologised.

Two years earlier, a wax museum in Pattaya promoted itself with a giant billboard featuring the dictator and the Thai words, "Hitler is not dead!"



GFE: Gull Friend Experience


Official Pattaya Song


fantastic 5555


Interesting, I'd be a little more worried if the Thai elites would be warming this . But still this could get dangerous among the intranet



Many Thais are absolutely fascinated with Hitler and anything to do with Nazis. Some think he is one of the greatest people in history. 

'Give me a little drink from your loving cup, just one drink and I'll fall down drunk.'  The Glimmer Twins




The Ernst Röhm Wiener House was well known for it's Bavarian Hitler sausage :GoldenSmile1:





I hear the Yard bird is finger licking good...

No place on the Planet like Pattaya..Don't let your meat loaf


Pretty sad really.

It seems they have no idea of the history on this man as mentioned in other threads in the past.

My Youtube Channel about everything Thailand - TravInThailand


Pretty sad really.

It seems they have no idea of the history on this man as mentioned in other threads in the past.

sad indeed. backward thinking in a forward moving society. how does that work?


This is a prime example of negative western influence on this culture and spreading ignorance among young thai people


Well...I guess if your allowed blow job bars...then I guess..we can add mr hate...hitler to bangkok..


Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2


wow, wonder if they use electricity or gas


where is it in BKK?

La La Land Bar & Sky Bar Soi 6 Pattaya


Davie Duke has far too much time on his hands, but still very funny...............................555


Davie Duke has far too much time on his hands


La La Land Bar & Sky Bar Soi 6 Pattaya


This was old news. The restaurant was in Ubon, but they need to start showing 'Hogan's Heros' reruns on Thai TV.


There's no fried chicken in this incredible music video





Davie Duke has far too much time on his hands, but still very funny...............................555

:GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1:


This was old news. The restaurant was in Ubon, but they need to start showing 'Hogan's Heros' reruns on Thai TV.


There's no fried chicken in this incredible music video



Well, I guess so, but Hogan's Heroes was denigrated as being condescending to the Germans, plus some of the Allies in the show. Ie Italians. Ultimately recognised as Propaganda, post war, and being guilty of propagating Racial Stereotypes regarding Black Americans.

So we are in a different era now, where the world may have lost it's sense of humour and, perhaps rightly so.

I'll have to shelve my plans for Mussolini's Spaghetti Parlour.

Or should I just call it Fellatio's?


sad indeed. backward thinking in a forward moving society. how does that work?

indeed it is sad but is it not more sad to be in China and to look to the shit Mao face who is hanging around at each corner? He was  still worse than Hitler


indeed it is sad but is it not more sad to be in China and to look to the shit Mao face who is hanging around at each corner? He was  still worse than Hitler

not sure how you can measure evilness in these men. both were sick and evil. the way i look at it is hitler probably would have claimed more lives if he had the chance. i just find them both cruel and am glad they arent alive in this lifetime


part of the human predicament...there are tyrants reigning today that will be remembered in the future.


well it's obviously pure marketing "genius" on the part of the clever person who came up with the idea. I mean, when you think of Adolf Hitler, what's the first thing that ALWAYS comes to mind? Of course! CHICKEN.   Everyone knows ole Hitler was a real master of the deep fryer. Him and Colonel Sanders. 


something makes me think the Thais would reconsider their fascination with nazis if they fully understood that they would have been among the first into the gas chambers in a nazi led world... being all non-pasty-white and all, you know.... reminds me of this nugget of irony :




Here's the full story behind how this came out...bit of a non-story...




Just to recap: it's a pic of a restaurant called Hitler that probably sells fried chicken. When Andrew posted the snap, the Twitterverse reacted with a somewhat modest outpouring of witty remarks and sniggers. It wasn't the first time Hitler had popped up in an unexpected place in Thailand. There was little more to say about the matter. So it had really been forgotten until the Daily Mail came along on July 5 with its story headlined Fried chicken takeaway called 'Hitler' opens in Thailand and comes complete with logo of Nazi leader in a bow tie. Yikes!


Leading into the story, we got these two bullet points:


Bizarre restaurant opened last month in Bangkok

Images of Hitler have also been seen on t-shirts in Thailand

Then the fun really began:


Thailand's obsession with so-called 'Nazis chic' just won't go away – and now a fried chicken takeaway called Hitler – complete with a logo showing the Nazi leader in a bow tie – has opened its doors.


The bizarre restaurant opened last month in Thailand and images of it are doing the rounds on Twitter as shocked customers take photos of the offensive eatery.


At this stage, I may as well point out a handful of things:


The restaurant isn't in Bangkok

Amusing Thailand posted the picture, submitted by someone using the handle Volker, along with a caption saying it's in Ubon Ratchatani, about 300 miles from Bangkok.


It didn't open last month

The pic on Amusing Thailand is dated March 12, 2012. Andrew's pic is from May just past.


There are no images of it doing the rounds, it's just this one pic

The pic posted by Andrew is the only one "doing the rounds".


Nobody has been taking photos of it because it isn't open any more (update: at least in this guise)

A user on the Thai Visa forum writes:


The photo of that supposedly "recently opened" fried chicken fast food joint in Bangkok is actually from a fried chicken restaurant in Ubon Ratchathani and at least 2 years old! Needless to say that this shop has CLOSED DOWN long, long ago (due to copyright infringement, by the way, because it had used 'Col. Sanders').


my last two trips to Thailand I found a lot of the Russian's were also supporting the Nazi party for some odd reason... I found many a young Russian with SS and other Nazi tattoo's and shirts, which is odd as the Nazi butchered the Russian's every chance they got, and I know the Russian schools had made it point in the past to point this out. Maybe they have moved on, who knows but at least its not a Mohammad's Fried Chicken stand that could lead down a shit road.

12 hours away from Pattaya


wow, wonder if they use electricity or gas


OK, this is so wrong but it had me laughing on the floor when I read it. 

12 hours away from Pattaya


i played poker at a german club here for a number of years and the director Dolf (Adolf) would always say "Nopw we're cooking with gas" (Aussie expression) :LMFO:

La La Land Bar & Sky Bar Soi 6 Pattaya


Well, I guess so, but Hogan's Heroes was denigrated as being condescending to the Germans, plus some of the Allies in the show. Ie Italians. Ultimately recognised as Propaganda, post war, and being guilty of propagating Racial Stereotypes regarding Black Americans.

So we are in a different era now, where the world may have lost it's sense of humour and, perhaps rightly so.

I'll have to shelve my plans for Mussolini's Spaghetti Parlour.

Or should I just call it Fellatio's?


Here was me thinking that the Italians were on the other side.


P.S. Kinch's character, a comms expert, fluent in French and Hogan's right hand man, was considered a big step for a black prime time TV character at the time the program was made.


Corporal Le Beau was played by a French Jew concentration camp survivor (Robert Clary).


Werner Klemperer (Klink) was a member of a famously artistic liberal German family, who fled the Nazis in 1935.


I wouldn't say it parodied Germans in general as much as it was a big "fuck you" to Nazis and the ultimate banality of evil.


Great show!


P.S.S. I would eat at Mussolinis.


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