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Sri Lankan Man Arrested After Tricking Friend To Work In Thailand

Pattaya Daily News

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A Sri Lankan man was arrested by Pattaya City police officers after he was reported to have tricked 3 Sri Lankan men to work in Thailand, the Sri Lankan men paid all the fees to the foreman, but after they were flown to Thailand, they were held at an apartment. After investigating the Sri Lankan foreman it was found that he had over 1 Million THB in his bank account, police presume that he had tricked many more of compatriots before.

PATTAYA – July 2, 2013 [PDN]; At 02.30, Police Lt. Colonel Kiertisak Sratongaoi, Vice-Director of Pattaya City police station was informed by Mrs. Sontaya Yaiam, age 42, that 3 Sri Lankans were held by another Sri Lankan at an apartment in Pattaya Klang Soi 10. After helping the Sri Lankans it was known that they had been held at the apartment for over a month now.


At the apartment, police found 3 Sri Lankan men in the room, they were in an extremely bad condition as they haven’t eaten anything yet. The 3 Sri Lankan men were then moved to Pattaya City police station for further questioning.

Police were able to find out that the 3 Sri Lankan men were tricked by 38 year-old Mr. Sunil Udayakumara, who was also a Sri Lankan national. He tricked by saying that he would able to find jobs for them in Thailand for a foreman fee of 5,800 USD to 174,000 THB. After they transferred the money to Mr. Sunil bank account, Mr. Sunil then arranged flights and an apartment for the Sri Lankan men to stay at. But Mr. Sunil told the Sri Lankan men that their documents were still in process and that they would have to pay additional money. But as soon as their money was all taken by Mr. Sunil, he suddenly disappeared. The Sri Lankan men had to go down the apartment and beg locals for money to eat. This took Mrs. Sontaya’s attention, which eventually led to the report to the police.

After the initial investigation was completed, the three men together with the police came up with a plan to call Mr. Sunil once more to pick up money at their apartment, as they really wanted to work. This of course attracted Mr. Sunil, when he arrived at the apartment, police charged Mr. Sunil and arrested him. Initially, Mr. Sunil refused all accusations, police therefore took him to the police station for further investigations and questioning. He was initially charged for deceiving and threatening.

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Type : Crime News
Story : Amnoychai Malila
Photo : Amnoychai Malila


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