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Another person caught smuggling drugs


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The book Damage Done by Warren Fellows, should be required reading for any one going to Thailand and think that they can take drugs.

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Is it at all airports that they focuse on people returning from Thailand. When I arrived in AMS, they had 2 dogs and 8 police officers at the exit of the plane. One dog really went of at a little girl who was carrying a small teddy bear. But she was allowed to pass.

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The book Damage Done by Warren Fellows, should be required reading for any one going to Thailand and think that they can take drugs.


He never got locked up because he took drugs. :P

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. - George Orwell
Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry. - Jack Kerouac
Find what you love and let it kill you. - Charles Bukowski 
Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me. - Immanuel Kant
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. - Confucius 
I wish I could show you when you are alone or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. - Hafiz of Shiraz
You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star. - Friedrich Nietzsche 
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire 
I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered. - George Best
The general public doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know. - Noam Chomsky



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Is it at all airports that they focuse on people returning from Thailand. When I arrived in AMS, they had 2 dogs and 8 police officers at the exit of the plane. One dog really went of at a little girl who was carrying a small teddy bear. But she was allowed to pass.


Definitely happened to a friend and myself when walking through the 'nothing to declare' section of arrivals at Heathrow in September. She asked what our jobs were and where we had returned from? As soon as my friend responded builder and Thailand, the women immediately wanted to examine his suitcase. I never got checked, either because I'm a student or the more likely the state of his suitcase disgusted her :Drink4: . Lucky for me aswell, the TG helped pack my suitcase (not that I asked) and somehow managed to add fruit.

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OZ has the strictest (& most arrogant) customs officers i have ever encountered (ive landed in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns). They are so thorough. I once had my bag completely emptied ( holding my boxers up to the light for added harrasement and effect) and they swabbed all of my credit cards for traces of drugs !!!



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OZ has the strictest (& most arrogant) customs officers i have ever encountered (ive landed in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns). They are so thorough. I once had my bag completely emptied ( holding my boxers up to the light for added harrasement and effect) and they swabbed all of my credit cards for traces of drugs !!!



My experience is totally opposite. I have been in and out of Australia many times in the last 5 years. Up until 2 years ago I was entering and leaving once every 6 weeks and now it is every 8 weeks. I have only every had my bag checked once by one of them and it is not thorough at all. I guess it is because I put on the form that I am overseas for work purposes or perhaps Perth is a good place to travel from and to.


Have you every been to the US?.... :Drink4:

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....

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The book Damage Done by Warren Fellows, should be required reading for any one going to Thailand and think that they can take drugs.


i already have plans to buy this book. sounds mad !!!!


and no i am not a drug user.

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Make sure you clean your shorts.


It is a crap shoot on searches wherever you go. Wherever you go one thing is for sure. When you are in customs, anywhere, they have you by the balls. You have no rights. There are some idiots who can't figure this out. There are other bigger idiots who take the chance. Complete Morons.


Never take anything with you that can cause you problems. Period.

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OZ has the strictest (& most arrogant) customs officers i have ever encountered


We need to protect what we have. Being the best country in the world doesnt come easily !!!

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OZ has the strictest (& most arrogant) customs officers i have ever encountered (ive landed in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns). They are so thorough. I once had my bag completely emptied ( holding my boxers up to the light for added harrasement and effect)


Yeah we're pretty thorough down here. I think it's because we're an island and we're so remote we don't want all those diseases they have in Europe and America :P


and they swabbed all of my credit cards for traces of drugs !!!


that's cos it's well known that you guys like the charlie :rolleyes:

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The book Damage Done by Warren Fellows, should be required reading for any one going to Thailand and think that they can take drugs.


The damage done is a great read, So is another book welcome to hell




OZ has the strictest (& most arrogant) customs officers i have ever encountered (ive landed in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns). They are so thorough. I once had my bag completely emptied ( holding my boxers up to the light for added harrasement and effect) and they swabbed all of my credit cards for traces of drugs !!!



Maybe they just like picking on the poms, I have never had any problems when arriving , in fact 9 times out of 10 I have been fasttracked through customs where the customs guy comes around whilst you are wating for oyur bags at the carousel and stamps your card.


Once in BKK Airport I checked my bags in at 12.30pm and flew out at 11.00pm that night so my bags had been unattended in a Cloak Room in BKK Airport for 8-9 Hours (padlocked bags) just as I was about to board my name was read out over the loud speaker to come to the front desk and I shit bricks, but it was just to be upgraded to business class.



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  • 2 weeks later...

While i was in Pattaya last July, a falang were i was staying got arrested by the police he was an ex pat living there, He had fallen foul of his suplyers ,of drugs, The police. The police had set him up by promiseing the falangs Thai girlfriend some money. I know this because i was there at the arest and know the girl in question.. Why do they do it . Bangkok Hilton for him , you dont cross the Thai police and get away with it

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The police had set him up


I think he set him self up by messing with drugs in thailand.

Double Gold Medalist. 2006 Mongering Olympics

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OZ has the strictest (& most arrogant) customs officers i have ever encountered (ive landed in Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Cairns). They are so thorough. I once had my bag completely emptied ( holding my boxers up to the light for added harrasement and effect) and they swabbed all of my credit cards for traces of drugs !!!





I can assure you that the US customs people are about as bad.

Double your pleasure! Double your fun!


Do two TG's instead of just one.




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While i was in Pattaya last July, a falang were i was staying got arrested by the police he was an ex pat living there, He had fallen foul of his suplyers ,of drugs, The police. The police had set him up by promiseing the falangs Thai girlfriend some money. I know this because i was there at the arest and know the girl in question.. Why do they do it . Bangkok Hilton for him , you dont cross the Thai police and get away with it



if they set him up it would be for a big bribe and he would not be in the monkey house ,but as you said he went to prison, looks like the police where just doing their job .

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