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Laos Mekong River Rosewood Smugglers Busted

Pattaya One

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Sunset over the Mekong River at Nong Khai, with Laos opposite.

My novel BACK deals with general lawlessness and things that can go wrong for unsuspecting backpackers on Asian countries’ borders, and I was again reminded of this when I recently read a report about an illegal consignment of Siamese rosewood that had been seized in Nong Khai Province, Thailand.

This illegally-logged wood was being smuggled out to what was called for some reason “a neighbouring country” instead of ‘Laos”, which is where it was heading, right across the Mekong.

Article and Photos continue here: http://peteralanlloyd.com/general-news/laos-mekong-river-rosewood-smugglers-busted/

©Peter Alan Lloyd

Amazon: Back Parts 1 and 2

Smashwords: Back Parts 1 and 2

Website: www.peteralanlloyd.com

Twitter: @PeterAlanLloyd

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