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Siam Bayshore Hotel, new rules of engagement, expensive!


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Siam Bayshore hotel
There is a new Manager at Siam Bayshore hotel (Mr,/Mrs. Rachel, Ladyboy)

- New joiners fee 1,000 THB to 2,000 THB for 1 lady (Depending on their mood/time of day/position of the moon)
- No girls under 20 years old allowed (They have even refused ladies older than 20 years, without any logical explanation)
- Be prepared for an argument with the new manager if you wish to question the new RULES.
Perhaps it is their intention to turn it into a family hotel, or alternatively the staff salary may be on a commission basis. The above is from 9 recent encounters and a direct request to the manager for clarification of their RULES, we did not receive such so the above is from direct experience.

Hmm, methinks I won't stay there again.  Good luck to the assclown manager. 


DELETE this hotel from the FORUM recommendations.


I made the mistake of prepaying for a week at Siam Bayshore 10 years ago. The joiner fee was 800 then, as I recall, and I was shown a set of RULES my guest had to abide by (joiners weren't allowed to use the pool, for example). I tried sneaking girls in various routes to avoid the fee, but the hotel had their sex police patrolling the grounds everywhere at all times and I was always directed to the front desk.


Needless to say, I never stayed there again. It's a damn shame because otherwise, I really liked the hotel.



Must be very recent, I was just there a little over a week ago, and it was 1000 baht. 


They can get fucked.


They can get fucked.




Can someone else comfirm that Siam Bayshore are not guest friendly anymore?


And on the same topic, could you help a fellow out and recommend a similar hotel that does not have anything against me bringing back one or two girls to spend the evning with ;) Preferably with the same standards as Siam Bayshore.


thanks in advance


Can someone else comfirm that Siam Bayshore are not guest friendly anymore?


And on the same topic, could you help a fellow out and recommend a similar hotel that does not have anything against me bringing back one or two girls to spend the evning with ;) Preferably with the same standards as Siam Bayshore.


thanks in advance


As the OP was made only a few days ago and has encountered 9 incidents I think its a pretty safe bet its not girlfriendly any more.


Check out various hotel threads on the forum. Perhaps this one to start you off.



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DELETE this Hotel from the FORUM recommendations.


Do you know where it is recommended? I know we have the Siam Bayview in our main thread but I cant find this one recommended. If you can steer me to the thread I will remove it.

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Damn shame! It was the best hotell imo!


If you stay there regularly and behave like a gentleman, the rule will be relaxed.

I want champagne for my real frinds and real pain for my sham friends.


 Thanks for the info, I stayed there only 1 time before and that will now be my last.

  • 4 months later...

Hi! Is it still unfriendly?? Any new experiences any one!! Need to book for a pal who really loves that location! 

Forget health clinics and gyms. Sex is the best cure. One good night of sex and your problems are gone.


B1000, B2000 joiner fee that is crazy.

I use to stay at SBR for almost ten years in one bed room see view suite , 12000 per day , I had this long standing deal with them for no guest charge all these years and was never charged , then manager changed and refused to honour my previous deal and insisted on payment for the girl . I checked out and moved to LKR SPAM WORD house , much nicer and only 10k per day , plus I get all the pampering . Like daily big basket of fruite , breakfast whenever I get up in-suite and instead of one room at SBS now I have three rooms and a HUGE jacoze on the terrace . I am happy I moved from SBR. Have been staying at LKR since then , 4 months in a year .will never never go back to Siam Bayshore again ever .

Which place are you referring to as 'LKR' ? Sounds very tempting for the price


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