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WHAT’S UP? With Bar Prices in Pattaya – Reader’s Letter

Pattaya One

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We went to What's Up last night for the first time in a while - it's an alright bar, but nothing special. But we got shocked when we saw the beer price - 165 baht for a bottle of Chang - my mate's San Mig was the same price. The bloke serving us shoved the bill in our faces so when we were pissed up later we wouldn't make a fuss and get done over like them people a year ago in there in a fuss over their bill were.

That's more than I've ever been charged in Pattaya and even in Bangkok bars.

Also the lady drinks - the bar has gone Philippines with double priced lady drinks. I never saw that before here either. 185 baht for a soft drink and 205 baht for one with some crap alcohol in.

Is this the start of a new trend in Pattaya or will customers turn their backs on places at them prices?

What made it worse was we went across the road and in Private Dancer bar I bought THREE bottles of Changs for the same price - 165 baht - as the price for one bottle of Chang in What's Up, and the girls didn't have the Attitude either.

Does it cost three times more to deliver a Chang to one side of the road in Soi 15?

Those prices are mental. or is this the way the place it's going?

Thank you,

Bar King.


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I didn't think there were any Pattaya mongers left who didn't know about the prices in What's Up... :P

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....


Vote with you feet


I voted with my feet.

Haven't been there since................The Last Time, whenever that was.

And yet they're still there. Can't work it out, it's like the Arab Bars in Cowboy (ok, pretty loose comparison but), no matter how many Punters winge about them, they're STILL there.


I voted with my feet.

Haven't been there since................The Last Time, whenever that was.

And yet they're still there. Can't work it out, it's like the Arab Bars in Cowboy (ok, pretty loose comparison but), no matter how many Punters winge about them, they're STILL there.

I don't go in there often (ie about twice in the last 18 months) but it is always difficult to find a seat.

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....


Give me a 70baht draught while watching some top class poontang in Baccara any day.


I don't go in there often (ie about twice in the last 18 months) but it is always difficult to find a seat.

I go a couple times each trip and I honesty do not understand why it is so popular, the drinks prices don't bother me too much but the lack of real top draw stunners does.


165 bhat for a drink and people are moaning? Things (not just hookers and drinks) were cheaper 10 years ago but like everything else in this world things get more expensive.


Ultimately it's still probably cheaper than a similar experience at home wherever home is for you in farang land. Over here in the uk in London a beer will set you back around £4 and a hooker of equal (or as close as you can get with Thailand) will be £250 for an hour.


Be happy these things are not totally out of reach of the every day farang and enjoy it while you can. No one likes rising prices but hey that's life.


Like the above poster says bars are always full. In New tiger in Patong lady drinks go from 200

250bhat. Even evening out there will easily set you back 8-10k on an average night... Yet it's almost always full. During high season anyway.


inspite of the prices it is always full of people...j


This is why it can charge such high prices, and will continue to do so.


inspite of the prices it is always full of people...j


This is why it can charge such high prices, and will continue to do so.


Even if they were not full prices would still rise. Thai mentality- if have less customers, raise prices. Westerners are in more of a squeeze now but there are plenty to take their place so things keep moving.


Even if they were not full prices would still rise. Thai mentality- if have less customers, raise prices. Westerners are in more of a squeeze now but there are plenty to take their place so things keep moving.


The place must be doing something right if it can charge such high prices and always be packed.


Even if they were not full prices would still rise. Thai mentality- if have less customers, raise prices. Westerners are in more of a squeeze now but there are plenty to take their place so things keep moving.


The place must be doing something right if it can charge such high prices and always be packed.


Thailand = cheap sex and most of the time cheap booze. As long as it is cheaper than mongering on the same scale back home it will always be packed. Sure there is a threshold at which point things may drop off but I don't think they are close to it yet. Most places in Thailand charge 2-3k for LT for a nice girl. Phuket, Hua Hin, koh samui, Bangkok, Chiang Mai. Pattaya prices are just falling in line with everywhere else but as the other activities are shit compared to everywhere else I choose not to holiday there so much. When you compare what 2/3k is vs a night with a hooker of equal beauty in the west it's still a bargain.


Thailand = cheap sex and most of the time cheap booze. As long as it is cheaper than mongering on the same scale back home it will always be packed. Sure there is a threshold at which point things may drop off but I don't think they are close to it yet. Most places in Thailand charge 2-3k for LT for a nice girl. Phuket, Hua Hin, koh samui, Bangkok, Chiang Mai. Pattaya prices are just falling in line with everywhere else but as the other activities are shit compared to everywhere else I choose not to holiday there so much. When you compare what 2/3k is vs a night with a hooker of equal beauty in the west it's still a bargain.


And you can still 1000 baht LT in a beer bar or Beach Rd.


Yep and you probably will for some time yet. But overall if you look at gogo prices and even some beer bar girls they are asking more.


If I was an ex pat I would probably be more concerned but then again if I'm on holiday I don't really care. Just spend whatever= a good time. If everyone has that mentality then prices are bound to rise.


This is why it can charge such high prices, and will continue to do so.


No... it is because people saying this :



165 bhat for a drink and people are moaning? [...]


Ultimately it's still probably cheaper than a similar experience at home [...]


This is why it can charge such high prices, and will continue to do so.


No... it is because people saying this :



165 bhat for a drink and people are moaning? [...]



Ultimately it's still probably cheaper than a similar experience at home [...]


People can moan if they want jojo but it's a fact we are just tourists and have to move with the times. Even a few years ago when everyone as happy with standard 1k LT and 1.5/2k in gogos I'm sure that was still a long way from what people experienced maybe 7 years prior to that.


Either move with the times or find somewhere else to monger is what I say.


A lot of bars/a go gos take the piss on drink prices (like WU) and some are reasonable. Obvious just boycott the ones with crazy prices. The trouble is they will always get passing trade who either don't know or don't care about the high price.


Was there last week and the place was packed also a lot of Bangkok yups , tomboys , Thai wannabee vips , ect .

Expensive but have to be fair , quality of the girls was by far the best from all gogos i've been that night .


"165 bhat for a drink and people are moaning? Things (not just hookers and drinks) were cheaper 10 years ago but like everything else in this world things get more expensive."


He was not complaning about prices in pattaya generally, he was complaining that ONE gogo bar was charging 3 times as much for the same beer as another one next door. That has nothing to do with inflation, its just price gouging. 


Firstly to the OP. As others have said Whats Up? has had high prices since day dot, I think about 5 yars now. It is therefore not a good example of how Pattaya might be "changing"


The girl (??) who owns Whats Up? is as acquaintance of my wife. One night at dinner I asked her about this and also mentioned the adverse publicity she gets on the the forum. Her response was to look me directly in the eye and she said


"Andrew I will never tell you how to run your business, please dont tell me how to run mine".


She and her family have been in this business, successfully, for many many years. Long before W Up? opened.


I dont like the bar, not for price reasons but its too "bright" for me. However as many have said already it is certainly one of the busiest in Pattaya, and has been since it opened a few years ago. Think about the logic - if you had a business model that was not only working but worked over the long term, would you change that?


Of course, we can vote with our feet but the reality is it will make little or no difference to her. I am NOT defending her, I think her pricing structure is wrong along with certai8n other "issues" in this bar but i do see her point.

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inspite of the prices it is always full of people...j


Must have a base of repeat customers who don't mind paying more , and gouging of the one off visitors obviously pays as well . 


Crap service , bad attitudes , ld pressure , and in my mates case , bill padding  , mean i havn't been in there for years .




You've convinced me, walking with feet next week.


A bad reputation soon spreads


Firstly to the OP. As others have said Whats Up? has had high prices since day dot, I think about 5 yars now. It is therefore not a good example of how Pattaya might be "changing"


The girl (??) who owns Whats Up? is as acquaintance of my wife. One night at dinner I asked her about this and also mentioned the adverse publicity she gets on the the forum. Her response was to look me directly in the eye and she said


"Andrew I will never tell you how to run your business, please dont tell me how to run mine".


She and her family have been in this business, successfully, for many many years. Long before W Up? opened.


I dont like the bar, not for price reasons but its too "bright" for me. However as many have said already it is certainly one of the busiest in Pattaya, and has been since it opened a few years ago. Think about the logic - if you had a business model that was not only working but worked over the long term, would you change that?


Of course, we can vote with our feet but the reality is it will make little or no difference to her. I am NOT defending her, I think her pricing structure is wrong along with certai8n other "issues" in this bar but i do see her point.


Thanks for the Insight Whitespider .  


Whats up has been on that site for 10 years plus although in its early days it was a dark dingy low key establishment , with few customers , in total contrast to its present setup .




Thanks for the Insight Whitespider .  


Whats up has been on that site for 10 years plus although in its early days it was a dark dingy low key establishment , with few customers , in total contrast to its present setup .




Cheers mate. Dark and dingy sounds like most of their old BKK outlets. I think the daughter was "given" the club around 6 years ago (could be wrong) so the change was probably her personal influence.

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