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Sickening video of police beating Burmese prostitutes


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Sober stuff...Well sickening actually


This is big news internationally now that the likes of the daily mail(most popular online newspaper) are running with it. Don't know how to inbed the video






From the Drummond website:



A video apparently showing men beating up Burmese prostitutes in Thailand is set to go viral on the net. The video provoked outrage in Thailand where it was first aired on Thai TV having been picked up from Youtube.


But will the culprits be brought to justice? Thais have suggested that they were Burmese pimps, others say they are Thai pimps, and there has even been a suggestion that they were Thai police. However one does certainly seem to be carrying a Burmese styule shoulder bag. There is also a claim that the video was shot in Malaysia. Well I guess nobody wants to take credit for this.


What is for certain however is that tens of thousands of Burmese pay heavy prices in one way or another for working in Thailand, and while their own country's economy is improving they still desperately need the jobs and are regarded as cheap labour - and easily discarded.


God help the poor Souls as what went on not filmed does not bear thinking of.


If any justise exists those Cnuts that did this to the Women will get there time at some stage in Life.


We should all count ourselves lucky we live a life as we do and not endure such hardship as millions do.




Bad times for the ladies involved, happens in all countries around the world, western or 3rd world, did anybody notice dude with Murse Just sayin





Check it before you Wreck it !!!!








Gamora: Quill, your ship is dirty.

Peter Quill: She has no idea. If she had a black light, this ship would look like a Jackson Pollock painting.





I say this video on Facebook a couple of days ago but had no idea what it was about.

It made me so angry then.

NO ONE should ever be treated this way and I really hope these guys get what's coming to them.

My Youtube Channel about everything Thailand - TravInThailand


Yes four big brave men.

Life is cheap in asia


I had a pal who was a deadly street fighter, the cops knew it, but they respected him. One night he got pissed and got himself thrown in the drunk tank. A cop takes him out of a cell, and puts him in with two bullies. Stevie told me what happened: "These punks proceeded to to start threatening me , so I grabbed one by the hair and smashed his face in to the bars, blood was spurting out of his head and started screaming. Then I went at his pal. I kicked him in the nuts, kneed him in the face, and also smashed his head into the bars. He lost consciousness, and the other guy just stood there, so I smashed him up good" Then the cops came and took Stevie out of the cell, thanked him and, before he was let him go, they told him that those two had bust beaten the shit out of a young high school girl. :GoldenSmile1:  We need more Stevies and 'cool' cops. IMHO


Police brutality is nothing new, plenty of vids on the net of Aussie cops tazing teens and drunks, I'd far prefer a few smacks in the face from a Thai copper than a multi tazering by Aussie pigs.


I've found this sickening as well.


It would be interesting to know who videoed it and how the file got to the press.

There is a shot of one of the poor girls looking as though she is trying to use her phone. From the angle of the footage I guess it would appear the photographer was standing and therefore less likely to be one of the poor victims.

Live for the moment. Tomorrow may not come.


Really bad video - This happens around the world for women. These men are really Morons


Sadly, I doubt that this example of such a cowardly abuse of "power" is an isolated incidence. Though many of us have had the good fortune of coming into contact with ladies who entered the industry of their own accord, I've always ready about this kind of forced entry. My heart goes out to those lovely and innocent young women who likely are the victims of a level of poverty most of us could never even imagine. How could "a man" bully a girl like that? I surely wouldn't want any part of that ugly kind of karma. 


UPDATE - men appear to be Burmese and not Thai policemen...




Still don't have much time for thailands finest based on the numerous stories from Thai friends from all walks of life in bkk....


I maybe mistaken but round the 1 minute mark i think the newsreader is talking about the guys speaking Thai ...


Would love to meet the little fcuk in the black trousers ... sickening bunch of low life animals .


I'm too angy to speak.


A translation (from another site):


"You girls are Burmese, We also are the same. We all came here to get better jobs to have better lives. You exchange your  virginities and diginity with (for) hand phones which are only worth $200,$300 and (get) treat(ed) to some dinners.
“If you want money, why don’t you get proper jobs like other people. Continues... They exchange you girls.  You all are already in foreign country. If you want to do that kind of thing for living, why don't you just do it in own country?"
Then the men asked the boy who seemed to be working together with the girls to call them up straight away if any of the girls do that kind of mess again.
Burmese.prostitutes-beaten.PNGThey beat the girls up for their own sake, so that there (were) no apparent bruises or any blood at all. The girls themselves looked ashamed that they just kept quiet it seems.
The writer added, the men had no other choice than beat them up like mothers beat their own kids, in such incidents as, they cannot make the girls listen to them only by talking anymore.
The writer then said, he is not applauding the men to beat the girls, but on the other hand, they have no other purposes or any bad intentions by beating the girls apart from the fact that, they just wanted them to stop doing whatever they were doing.

(Perhaps the 2 threads could be merged?)


From many stories i have heard over the years, Thai boys give their Thai GFs worse beatings than this. Usually for not bringing home enough money.

Sex without love is an empty experience;


But as empty experiences go, it is one of the best.


Those dudes need a ass kicking cowards nothing but cowards


Is this a reality for a lot of Girls who provide our "fun"?

It should make us all think.


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