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Warning: Internet Cafés in Pattaya and Thailand


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Key-logging software are 'recorders' that stores all key-strokes made on any given machine. The administrators can then look over their records for 'user names', 'passwords' and 'bank account/credit card details'.


Do not store personal data on a memory stick or any memory card you are using at an internet café. A soon as you plug in the storage device, a program reads out all the information on it.


Before entering critical data call the 'Task Manager' (press 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + 'Delete'). The 'Task Manager' lists the machine’s inventory. If the 'Task Manager' is blocked or lists software that you don't know, do not enter any personal data on that computer.


For an even more accurate test, we recommend to install a 'Process Explorer' on your memory stick. You can get them as 'Freeware' in the internet. They list all the programs running in the background.


A program installed at a popular internet shop in Pattaya transmitted the collected information to an account in Hong Kong, at other shops a similar programm sent the data to accounts in the Ukraine and in India. All Shops denied to know anything (in Thai: 'mai lu si') about programs running in the background and collecting personal information...





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Key-logging software are 'recorders' that stores all key-strokes made on any given machine. The administrators can then look over their records for 'user names', 'passwords' and 'bank account/credit card details'.


Do not store personal data on a memory stick or any memory card you are using at an internet café. A soon as you plug in the storage device, a program reads out all the information on it.


Before entering critical data call the 'Task Manager' (press 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + 'Delete'). The 'Task Manager' lists the machine’s inventory. If the 'Task Manager' is blocked or lists software that you don't know, do not enter any personal data on that computer.


For an even more accurate test, we recommend to install a 'Process Explorer' on your memory stick. You can get them as 'Freeware' in the internet. They list all the programs running in the background.


A program installed at a popular internet shop in Pattaya transmitted the collected information to an account in Hong Kong, at other shops a similar programm sent the data to accounts in the Ukraine and in India. All Shops denied to know anything (in Thai: 'mai lu si') about programs running in the background and collecting personal information...







Thanks much!!! This has been something I've been thinking about lately a great deal.


When I get over initially I'll be using cafes for my computer related stuff. Eventually I'll be using my own. I'm planning on getting with an expert so I can safegaurd my stuff. I'm reading more and more about this and it is scary.


All of you computer morons (like me) pay attention to this. BE CAREFUL. Learn how to safeguard your computer usage when in these cafes, and any computer for that matter. These bastards can wreck your life.






Any updates or input from others would be much appreciated.

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He he, they're welcome to my My Space and Facebook logon, but if I have my Pattaya Addicts account hacked and I lose my trusted member status I'll be kicking arse.

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This is great to know.


Has anyone been hacked by using WiFi in LOS? I hear about it here in the States, but I've never been hacked as far as I know.


All the best,



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This is great to know.


Has anyone been hacked by using WiFi in LOS? I hear about it here in the States, but I've never been hacked as far as I know.


All the best,




Have never been hacked by wi-fi, but it takes a more savvy snooper to figure it out than with the key logger programs in internet cafes. If you have a choice, use networks that are encrypted rather than open. And if you're really security concious, use a VPN on top of that.


I generally won't use internet cafes for anything requiring a username/password because of the high potential for key logging to be taking place there.

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  • 1 month later...

Since a lot of them have still have Windows 95 and Windows 98!, and coupled with the obvious danger of keyloggers, one should consider internet cafe's good for email, and that is about it. Anyone who does anything sensitive, like banking, is really rolling the dice...

"Debauchery University post-graduate sabbatical"


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Hi all,


the keylogger situation in Internet Cafe's in Pattaya is certainly one to be wary of. I know of a gentleman and his son who decided to conduct some Internet banking in a cafe one time. For some reason, the son felt there was something wrong, and approached the shopkeeper on the master machine around the corner for his assistance only to find the chap taking down his fathers bank account details.


I run a small Internet Cafe on Soi Chaiyapoon in Pattaya and this is an area I have focused on for safety to my customers. Most keylogging programs will have problems running along side modern anti-virus programs. It is possible to allow the rogue logger to run despite the AV, but normally at some point the AV will pick it up again as a threat and report it as a Virus on the screen. Most keyloggers run in the system32 sub-directory of windows, and if the AV is turned off or is a poor quality product, the logger will work away quite happily recording your keystrokes and either transmitting them by email or storing them for later collection. For this reason we have no master console in my shop. There is no man sitting there monitoring your internet activity. Secondly all our machines contain a PCI card called an Undo Card. This card completely resets the entire system back to a pre-defined (safe running) date on every reboot. This would impair any keylogger from running as it would erase the records.


I would happily run a full virus sweep on any of my machines at any time for any customer as proof of a secure internet service, or even reboot any machine to erase any possibility of logging.


Also please do not rely on Task Manager to tell you if the machine you are on is running a Logger. Modern keyloggers like Golden Eye or Handy Keylogger contain no information in Task Manager when they are running, or in any other sub-directory apart from System32.



InterCom Internet

Soi Chaiyapoon


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Which is why the trend to use your own laptop is so prevalent now, also, for those who need to use a PC at these places, the safest way to use them is to use a U3 USB Thumb Drive, this item is made just for the purpose of keeping these transactions safe.

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This is a little off thread, but you also have to be careful in using your credit card. I got fleeced out of $13,000 USD. They got me when I used my AMEX at " a popular japanese restaurant" at Big C Pattaya. Whoever, once they got my number sent it off to Japan where they made numerous charges until AMEX closed it down. Luckily AMEX was extremely accomodating and I lost no $$$

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I've been to a few internet cafes in BKK and Pattaya, and i dont think i have ever seen a computer with a working anti virus. Keyloggers are a pain in the arse but good if its you using them like i do at home.


Some tips and guidelines for using internet access abroad.


Set up an email address specifically for your trip so you dont compromise anything in there you want to keep.


Never do any online banking


Anything where your bank or credit card details is a no no, it might seem important that you do it at the time, but believe me, it isnt that important!

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There is a keylogger that none of the above will reveal! It is expensive and it is a very small hardware add-on that plugs in between the keyboard and the PC.The device will hold vast amount of recorded data.Who would ever think to check the back of the pc? Be careful :Clap:


Edited by ROOTER
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I had a similar story to fm2002's post. I was in Manila for a month last spring, and when I got back my Visa card shut off about 2 days after I got back. "Did you buy $2,500 worth of camera equipment at Bic Camera in Shinjuku yesterday?" they asked me when I called. Of course I hadn't, and they didn't charge me -- but I wanted to know how the fuck they could do that without my card. She said that, particularly in SE Asia, if you give your card to a person and they take it out of your sight, they can easily scan it with a tiny machine that reads all the info off your card's magnetic strip. Then they just make and program a fake one in the country of origin and go on a shopping spree.


Lesson learned: I now only use my card when the transaction happens right in front of me, and only in well established businesses. I never give it to somchai the waiter, no matter how good the restaurant.

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used my usb to get some printing from an internet cafe in soi buakhao recently, the little blighter picked up a virus, thankfully NOD32 picked it when i tried to use it again on my PC, and deleted it.


thanks for the heads up John, a great post for anyone who may not know.

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Key-logging software are 'recorders' that stores all key-strokes made on any given machine. The administrators can then look over their records for 'user names', 'passwords' and 'bank account/credit card details'.


Do not store personal data on a memory stick or any memory card you are using at an internet café. A soon as you plug in the storage device, a program reads out all the information on it.


Before entering critical data call the 'Task Manager' (press 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + 'Delete'). The 'Task Manager' lists the machine’s inventory. If the 'Task Manager' is blocked or lists software that you don't know, do not enter any personal data on that computer.


For an even more accurate test, we recommend to install a 'Process Explorer' on your memory stick. You can get them as 'Freeware' in the internet. They list all the programs running in the background.


A program installed at a popular internet shop in Pattaya transmitted the collected information to an account in Hong Kong, at other shops a similar programm sent the data to accounts in the Ukraine and in India. All Shops denied to know anything (in Thai: 'mai lu si') about programs running in the background and collecting personal informatio


<a href="http://www.pattaya-at-night.com/newsflash.html" target="_blank">http://www.pattaya-at-night.com/newsflash.html</a>




cheers thats good to no i would never of thought o f that!

Edited by bill69




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not sure if it exists in europe but in the us, you can get a prepaid credit card. ie you can place funds in the card. once the card reaches 0 , you have to add more funds (through paypal for example)


this way if you transfer only a small amount every week to hte card. the damage can be only of whatever s on the card ($100 - 200)


visa will not authorize any purchase above the amount left on the card.






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Thanks for the info, seems like bringing my Laptop and using a secure WiFI is the way to go. I also use a double firewall w/prompts and run a double AV and another program. Windows defender and Avira AntiVir and AVG and PrivacyMantra are four of the six programs I am running in the background. Nothng is perfect but so far this has worked fairly well. All that slows the computer down a little bit but as I said nothing is perfect.

Edited by Vibs103

Double your pleasure! Double your fun!


Do two TG's instead of just one.




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Hi Vibs,


I certainly wouldnt recommend that you use more than 1 anti-virus program at a time. For sure they will have conflicts and could cause your system some nasty problems.


As Panudate posted before many Internet shops might not have up to date AV but I can assure you all at Intercom we do!



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anyone tried using portable roboform on a usb as this is supposed to be a safe way of logging on with keyloggers unable to pick up anything

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zone alarm is one of the best protection programs (not antivirus) because it asks you to approve or deny any program that is trying to access the internet

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I am not certain zone alarm would be the best defense against key loggers. I think the best advice from this thread is to simply avoid the internet cafe period. In the past I have used public library internet connections and found them to be very safe. Maybe someone could comment if there are alternate locations for computer access that might be safe®.

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