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Currency Exchange Rate

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Hi guys,


I know a lot of u guys want to know the rate before they leave for los.


U can also go here and check it out for yourself the link is bit slow.







<font face="Century Gothic">SB</font>


The above is good for the local currency rates in Thailand.


If you want to know approximately what you are likely to pay offshore (i.e., in your home country, if you are a visitor to Thailand), you can look at oanda.com currency exchange website


yep u right there mate,but if u want more for same money u exchange in pats.

i do it,never exchange back home

yep u right there mate,but if u want more for same money u exchange in pats.

i do it,never exchange back home


Oh, I absolutely agree. Comparison of the numbers bears it out.


That's why it's a great service you are providing by posting the local rates to those who are offshore and wondering what the rates will be like in Thailand and whether to exchange money at home or on the road.


the main question is.. do you think its going to get any lower for the visitors????

its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..

yep u right there mate,but if u want more for same money u exchange in pats.

i do it,never exchange back home

Excellent work SB you sure put some hard work in to PA forums


Many thanks Sponge Bob. Last week I looked up baht to US$ here at home. It is 10% less than in LOS. Will be there for three weeks in Feb. :LMFO:

Every hole a goal.

Condoms kill boners. Save the boners.

Stop the Vagilantes.


Thanks for da tip Sponge


Mr. SBob: Many thanks for the time and effort you put into the board. I know that it is not said enough, but my thanks for what you do. Please keep it up. Wolfy

May the best of your past, be the worst of your future.


it doesnt look like its going down much more thank god.. .. i have no idea about money market.. but does anybody think the US$ will hold the value till the mid of next your..2008...

its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..


Guys the rate in Pattaya today is 67.15 baht to the british pound.


Agree with other posts here that Sponge Bob puts a lot of effort into this board and although its not mentioned too often it sure is appreciated. Cheers SB.


Euro is getting stronger I see ... July it was around 43 :P


the main question is.. do you think its going to get any lower for the visitors????



Your kidding right?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

the rates for uk r shit now last yr i wos gitin 72 now its 63/62

  • 3 weeks later...

changerate 1000 Bath= 1 TG

  • 3 weeks later...

thanks from the irish S B , the euro buys many baht in TIT. your info is much appreciated. see ye all next saturday.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guys the rate in Pattaya today is 67.15 baht to the british pound.


Rule, Britannia! indeed. :Who_Cares:


Dammm look at the EURO nearly 1/50 if i only could be there know to change a load of euros into baht.

Dammm look at the EURO nearly 1/50 if i only could be there know to change a load of euros into baht.



Sponge. whats the £

Sponge. whats the £



nearly 1/65 mate

  • 2 weeks later...

Damn, USD down 10%+ to baht in less than a year. Not that it changes any plans. :Bravo1:

Every hole a goal.

Condoms kill boners. Save the boners.

Stop the Vagilantes.


The UK rate is horrible! was 68/69 in November now only 61.

That's over £15 now to get laid. Still a bargain I guess. Would only get me four beers on a night out in Leeds.

P4P. C4C. Soft Club. Skank Club. Club Bareback. Because if it's worth fucking it's worth fucking properly.

Back in employment. Korando's Bar, Soi Buakhao 15. 

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