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anybody hear of someone catching an STD...


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I know condoms should really protect you, but they are not 100%. in particular, i'm concerned about herpes. i'm sure crabs can be passed as well with condom on.

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Absolutely you can still get other stuff! Condoms protect your dick but significant other areas come into contact!!!


Molluscum contagiosum is easily caught but not so easily got rid of! My mate STILL has this after several weeks. And from what he tells me ( :9of10Score: ) no girl would go near in his present condition (LOL I havent looked!)!


BUT the best thing you can do is use a condom. Molluscum is 100x better than AIDS or other stuff.

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Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Nothing is 100%effective. Do the best you can to prevent, see a doctor after getting homa and get tested and cured if need be.

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Friend of mine caught gonnorhea of the eye from his towel - he wiped his face with the towel after she had wiped her fanny with it.

Be scene and not herd.

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My doctor (dermatologist) recommended and prescibed ACICLOVIR TABLETS-400mg.

I disolve 1 in the morning and 1 at night.Start the day before you land and take until you leave.

This to boost your system and avoid getting herpes..

I to was a little bit worried so asked for his advise.Hope this helps


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I know condoms should really protect you, but they are not 100%. in particular, i'm concerned about herpes. i'm sure crabs can be passed as well with condom on.


Nothing is 100% effective, but if you use condoms (with excellent ratings) and use them properly, the chances of getting something are very, very slim. I was just reading an article today talk about why there is such a percentage of pregnancies with condoms- the majority of the article talked about improper use, people not rolling the condom correctly on, RE-USING THE CONDOM (Im serious- holy shit who does that). Sure, nothing is 100% protection, but if you use it right, you should be fine.


Keep in mind, it all goes out the window if you go down on a BG, because you really can catch something that way.


My best advice to you is find a condom with an excellent rating. Durex is one of the best condoms out there- search google and find the best one for you.

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Yes, condoms greatly decrease the risk of you catching something, however a condom only protects the area covered. There are a handful of STD's out there which are passed through skin secretions. You should probably ask your Dr.

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Condoms are 100% INeffective against anything they don't cover. Scabies, genital warts, crabs and yeast infections are all easily gotten even when you use a condom.

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I always use condoms and i've NEVER caught an STD :D


Though I haven't spent three weeks in Pattaya yet! :wub:


I'll give you an extensive list of all the diseases I catch and how I caught them after my trip in February though! :D


The towel stories a bit of an eye opener though Laman...... But maybe as tribute to your friend we should describe it as an eye closer! :D


My condom of choice? The Trojan Magnum XL Extra Large of course :P

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What about the guy that knows that he has an STD but still goes bareback once in awhile? That guy with Herpes who screws the BG without a condom, even once, is putting everyone else at risk. And if you screw her just once without a condom, well...the story goes on and on. Dangerous game to play. Not all mongers are responsible about it so don't go into the game without a "helmet" on. That way, at least one of your heads is protected.



I believe in a time when we can all live in a Harris-Free world!

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Zithromax tke 1000 mg before you come home they clear everything.

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My doctor (dermatologist) recommended and prescibed ACICLOVIR TABLETS-400mg.

I disolve 1 in the morning and 1 at night.Start the day before you land and take until you leave.

This to boost your system and avoid getting herpes..

I to was a little bit worried so asked for his advise.Hope this helps




First I've heard about this. I'm going to check this out. The herps and those fucking warts scare the shit out of me.


Keeping the pub's trim can help cut down on crabs, I'd imangine.

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My doctor (dermatologist) recommended and prescibed ACICLOVIR TABLETS-400mg.

I disolve 1 in the morning and 1 at night.Start the day before you land and take until you leave.

This to boost your system and avoid getting herpes..

I to was a little bit worried so asked for his advise.Hope this helps



What utter bollocks ! Sorry to be blunt, but you should consider suing your doctor (that's if he is one and not just getting his information from one of these horribly warped STD threads !)...or consider consulting a specialist in genito-urinary medicine. Aciclovir is a treatment for herpes, once you have acquired it. Try Google if you don't believe me. There is no drug that will prevent you catching herpes.

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  • 1 year later...

I caught gonorrhea 3 times, better to bag up now everytime

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Condoms used properly gives near 100 % protection against HIV and Hepatise C.

Thats all I need to know.

Herpes and that other stuff doesn’t scare me.

It is no problem to get sex with a woman without paying for it, but it is just to expensive

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Hep C is a blood borne disease only - almost no chance through sex.

Hep A and B through sex - but you should have jabs at home first.


Herpes (HPV), genital warts, molluscum and bacterial/fungal (these two not really a big problem) infection easily caught even if you have a condom. Molluscum is super contagious.


You get these on your groin.

And on the base of the penis - unprotected by condom.

And on your balls, do your balls slap against a chick when you fuck? Think about it.

Through joint use of towels is common.


For the guy who said genital warts scare the fuck out of him - the chances are you probably have it, but dont know it (yet). Yes, they are scary when they show.

CDC website says if youve had a few sexual encounters you most likely have it. Estimate 50-60% US population have it. If a woman has a pap smear that shows abmornal cells - it means she has it. Even my ex-wife years ago had this (no she wasn't a dirty whore - it is as very common). I didn't realise she had HPV and she never showed warts. They usually never appear or are tiny.


Hey, of course condoms are imperative but there's always a risk.

Check the hole before you enter.

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