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Man suspected of burglary and sexual assault of 5 year old pet dog in East Pattaya

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A 34 year old man is behind bars at this time accused of a house burglary and the sexual assault of the house owners 5 year old dog. This bizarre case was dealt with by Police Stationed at the...

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if somebody broke into my x wifes house with rape in mind, he would probably end up shagging her dog rather than doing her too.


The perp must have been barking mad.


With all the Women here and you had to shag a Dog? I hope they keep your ass in lock up...

No place on the Planet like Pattaya..Don't let your meat loaf


Never seen they put the age of the dog. So hat was the problem, the age of the dog or that it was a dog?


Never seen they put the age of the dog. So hat was the problem, the age of the dog or that it was a dog?


Since 7 human years are equal to a dog year, that must mean that the dog was over the age of consent. Maybe the perp can claim that it consented? A more pertinent bit of info would have been the sex of the dog. :Think1:


Good to know that the sick guy was caught before he gets the chance to rape 5-year old girls. Would be interesting to know how many years he gets in that case.

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